Regret never comes at the beginning, it always comes later, but one thing’s for sure, it doesn’t mean the end. Regret could be used as a wonderful and most effective way to transform our life. It could be something that could lead us to make more powerful and better decisions in the future.
Each of us must have collected a number of regrets in our lifetime from the day that we start making choices. Different onine sources say that children makes about 3,000 choices a day and an adult makes about 35,000. Just imagine how many wrong ones we must have consciously made in a year.
We then go, “Oh, I wish I shouldn’t have,” or, “I should have listened to my parents,” and so on and so forth the ranting goes. But if we also think about it, these regrets that we’ve suffered through the years, since childhood to adulthood, are also the reasons how we’ve learned to gain better and clearer understanding of our life and how we want to see it grow.
In retrospect though, we might be able to surmise that good things can come out of the bad. It is up to us to choose; and what better feeling is there in the world than when we are given the chance to right a wrong, to make amends for our mistakes and to correct our regrets.
We only have to learn that regretting something can still take us somewhere. It may not be in the same exact situation we thought we would be, but it should be a much better one than just wallowing in sorrow over something that we can no longer undo.